Claudia Nogueira
December 2020
4 East Stroke/Neurology
CentraState Medical Center




Because of Claudia's compassion, generosity, and patience, I spent that last five minutes with my mother and able to say good-bye.
Claudia Nogueria was the nurse that took care of my mother when she was in CentraState, smack middle in the pandemic, so we were not allowed to go visit. My mother was 87-years-old, and Claudia never hesitated to give us updates on her condition.
Sunday I got an update which was not good. My mother didn't have her glasses so she couldn't see, she didn't have her hearing aid so she couldn't hear, and she couldn't speak English very well, but this didn't stop Claudia from Face Timing me; I am talking to my mother who was none responsive, and I am balling and suddenly my mother responded and trying to talk back but the words wouldn't come out.
Claudia said, "Keep talking to her; she can hear you," and I kept talking letting her know I am so sorry for what she was going through and that she was all alone and that I love her very much. At that moment I watched her take her last breath and my mother was gone and this was the very last time I was going to see her, she had no wake, no funeral because of COVID. Because of Claudia's compassion, generosity, and patience, I spent that last five minutes with my mother and able to say good-bye.