Christine Rollins
March 2022
4 North med-surg
Raleigh General Hospital
United States




Christine was a gentle and caring angel to us both. Her kindness made it possible for me to get through my wife’s death.
This Extraordinary Nurse is known for going above and beyond for her patients. Christine recently found out that one of her patient's insurance would not pay for a shower chair so she personally ordered one and staff chipped in to ensure she would have this. The patient’s husband stayed with her until she passed away but many times Christine would ensure he had meals. This is not unusual for her, as these acts of kindness frequently occur. She has a heart full of compassion for her patients.

Her interaction with this patient left a lasting mark the following are his words. “My wife was pleased when she was transferred to 4 North and looked up to see Christine. She said we will be okay now. Christine checked on us constantly making sure we needed nothing. She found out we needed an item insurance would not cover. She got this for us and didn’t ask for a dime. Christine made sure I was fed each day. She would purchase food for me and make me lunch and dinner. Christine would not ask for anything in return. Christine was a gentle and caring angel to us both. Her kindness made it possible for me to get through my wife’s death. During the worst time of my life, she was there for us.”

Christine, you exemplify the true meaning of compassion and so proud to call you a team member. Congratulations and thank you for continuing our mission in Making Communities Healthier we are so proud!