February 2020
Medical Telemetry
Virginia Mason Franciscan Health - St. Clare Hospital
United States




Chris took his own free time to sit and share his music with the patient, and it had a great impact on her demeanor.
Chris showed his strength in compassion when he went above and beyond for one of our challenging, long-stay patients. This patient has dementia, and often spends most of the day (and night) crying out. Chris mentioned one day that he planned to bring his guitar in sometime soon and play for this patient. He did so the very next day.

Today, I happened to be passing by her room, and there Chris was again; this time it wasn’t even a workday for him, but he had come by to play guitar for this patient. The patient was so calm and relaxed, smiling to herself while enjoying the music. It was a very heartwarming sight. Chris took his own free time to sit and share his music with the patient, and it had a great impact on her demeanor. He deserves to be recognized for his kind, selfless, and caring actions.