Nilssen Gill
September 2021
Nilssen Gill
Joyce University of Nursing and Health Sciences
United States




Cheyenne went above and beyond in class.
Cheyenne is a student that stands out. She exceeded expectations as she demonstrated her knowledge and critical reasoning while completing case studies, assignments, and exams. Cheyenne went above and beyond in class. She was committed and attended weekly optional tutoring sessions. She was a student who was very driven. Her actions made it clear that she wanted to learn and improve, even though she was in the top 10% of her class. She asked for feedback on every exam. Cheyenne was engaged, eager to learn, and asked smart questions. She works in the healthcare field and shared great stories in class and added to the discussion. One day, she sent me a "thank you" email that was very kind. If she is kind to a professor at the end of a semester, I can't imagine how kind and thoughtful she is going to be to her future patients. It was truly an honor to be a part of her journey to becoming a nurse. Welcome to the nursing profession. Cheyenne, you are going to be an incredible nurse!