Chelsea Sachs
August 2023
Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital
Saint Petersburg
United States




Chelsea kept reassuring him and calmed him down. There was no doubt that L would be fine with Chelsea at his side. It was a very emotional moment.
I would like to nominate Chelsea. She was not L’s nurse yesterday on our last day of admission, but she has been in these past 3 months during L’s treatments. Chelsea has always gone above and beyond to make L feel at ease. But yesterday was a very big day for L. He had to have labs and an IV placed first thing in the SM. He also had the final PLEX of the month and also right after, go under anesthesia to remove catheter in the OR. L was not familiar with the nurse he had for the day. Chelsea told me she would be there to help out L throughout the day. In the morning, Chelsea was there for L for the labs and IV placement. She held his hand and talked him through it. She came by also to help him take his meds. After the PLEX, when it was time for us to go to surgery, L was afraid to go down to the OR and his anxiety began to increase. She came to the rescue to help L walk down to surgery. Without her help, he would not have stayed on his bed, his anxiety was overwhelming him. When we were in the OR waiting area giving the nurse L’s info, she held his hand the whole time. Soon after, it was time to go to surgery. L would not go in unless Chelsea would come, too. So Chelsea geared up with her protective gear from head to toe and kept holding L’s hand following along with him on his bed. When we reached the doors and he was calling out to us and was scared, Chelsea kept reassuring him and calmed him down. There was no doubt that L would be fine with Chelsea at his side. It was a very emotional moment. These past months every nurse has been incredible, and yesterday Chelsea ended these 3 months of treatments at JH, showing why the whole team has been integral to L's improvement. We are grateful for Chelsea’s kindness and for giving L so much comfort when he was so scared.

Note: This is Chelsea's 2nd DAISY Award!