Chelsea Poff
April 2021
Baptist Medical Center Jacksonville




Chelsea has done backflips, over the front flips, and forward flips for me.
A patient would like to acknowledge their heartfelt appreciation to Nurse Chelsea Poff for her kindness and compassion. The patient was unable to write due to the effects of a stroke and dictated the following words about Chelsea:
"Chelsea has done backflips, over the front flips, and forward flips for me. She is the most uplifting person for me, just having had a stroke. I wish a lot of people had the enthusiasm and compassion she puts towards her patients. Chelsea made me happy, not down in the dumps like prior to coming here. Chelsea took the time to lift me back up to my spirits. We talked about things that I have not talked about in a while and she lifted me up a lot, a whole lot! It's like she knew just what to say. She is a very intelligent nurse. Chelsea is awesome.'"