April 2013
SSM DePaul Health Center
United States




Chelsea is an amazing nurse and a huge asset to the ED. She constantly goes above and beyond for staff, patients and visitors and works to make the department run smoothly- whether as a staff nurse, CSN or a spokesperson on numerous committees. Chelsea serves as her unit council's chairperson and was recently chosen as chair for the Nursing Quality Practice Council. On busy nights she rounds to make sure nurses get lunch and will even run to the cafeteria for us. She keeps staff updated with huddles and constantly has new ideas for improving the department. She always has a positive attitude and works closely with new nurses to make sure their needs are met. Not many people realize just how much time Chelsea spends in committees representing the ED- She's awesome! Many patients that staff members have written off as "frequent flyers" or "difficult" respond best to Chelsea because she takes the time to actually listen to their problems. She is a great role model for us all.

Chelsea was also recognized as an Angel by a patient and his family for the exceptional care she provided. The patient arrived having an AMI then progressed into a V-Fib arrest. Chelsea was part of the team in the ED who diligently worked to stabilize the patient and get him to the cath lab where they were successfully able to re-open his blocked artery. Chelsea and her co-worker Jamie continued to be a support system for the patient's wife ensuring that she was being kept informed and understood what was going on even after he was no longer in the ED. They took the time to personally purchase a supply of Coke for her because she's not a Pepsi drinker. The little things that they did were BIG things to the family so much so that the family made a donation in their name to the DePaul Foundation.