Charlene Stein
March 2024
UH Clinic SCC Administration
UT Southwestern Medical Center
United States




Charlene is someone who genuinely cares about other people.  It’s just who she is.  Her style is one that motivates and drives others towards success because we can all see how honest and thoughtful she is. Every decision is made with her head and her heart.
I have worked with and for Charlene for almost 3 years. Although she is my boss, I say work “with” because she has treated me and my colleagues as partners in providing great care to our patient population. 

Charlene is the paragon of a good nurse. She works tirelessly to make sure our patient populations at the regional cancer clinics are situated and well taken care of. Recently, I witnessed her work diligently to ensure that arrangements were made for an infusion patient who had many scheduling challenges. She advocates for our patients but also advocates for our staff. Putting these things together is sometimes a difficult blend, but she always manages to accomplish it. 
During the snowstorm, she made rounds at the regional sites (from FW to Richardson to Redbird) to meet with staff and thank them for all they do. While Charlene is a great leader, her heart and brain are always at the bedside for the patients and for the staff. 
Charlene also brings out the best in those around her. She has a caring disposition that spreads to others and makes working alongside her a wonderful experience. With everything she does, she is a nurse first and then a director. Charlene has a caring attitude that just guides us all to be our best. 

I am routinely inspired by Charlene. I am so glad she is a nurse. And I am so glad that she is a leader here at UTSW. It is an honor to nominate her for a DAISY Leader Award. 

Quotes from Charlene’s Coworkers & Colleagues: 

“Charlene is a light on a hill. She makes me want to be a better physician and a better person. Her dedication to patients, staff, her family, and her zeal for the ideal are inspiring.” 

“Charlene is someone who genuinely cares about other people.  It’s just who she is.  Her style is one that motivates and drives others towards success because we can all see how honest and thoughtful she is. Every decision is made with her head and her heart.  She actively listens to her teammates and constantly strives to engage and involve us in moving initiatives forward.  Her leadership style is one of inclusion, integrity, honesty, and transparency.  It’s hard to find leaders like her.  It’s an absolute privilege to lead alongside her.” 

“I have never worked with a leader so willing to listen, partner with, and advocate for her team. She has the unique ability to take into account many perspectives and make decisions that keep the patient-centered while uplifting the staff who provide patient care. I am grateful that I have the good fortune to work with Charlene. I feel as though we can accomplish anything together.” 

“Charlene is the epitome of compassion and courage. Her teachable spirit and passion are admirable!  I am so glad she left Hershey and joined UTSW! She is one of a kind of a nurse leader. There has been days that I have pulled along just knowing that Charlene is there right there with me.”