Carrie Paulsell
June 2022
Labor and Delivery
CoxHealth Springfield
United States




Carrie was the most caring and compassionate nurse that I have ever met. She was the teacher that my husband and I needed as inexperienced first-time parents.
As an outsider looking in, one would think that a nurse is just a person who takes care of patients. As an insider looking out, one knows that a nurse must be able to learn a little bit about every job to do well. An amazing nurse must be a good counselor, caring teacher, constant janitor, technology literate, compassionate coach, educated coworker, and so much more.

During my stay on the Labor and Delivery floor for three days, I found that diamond nurse. Carrie was the most caring and compassionate nurse that I have ever met. She was the teacher that my husband and I needed as inexperienced first-time parents. She was my counselor through the hardest of times. She was an amazing coworker that introduced every single one of her coworkers as her best friends, and she reassured me they would take great care of me when they changed shifts. She was so educated and able to educate me about everything we were doing during my care while in the hospital.

Cox is more than fortunate to have Carrie as a Labor and Delivery nurse. Carrie always exhibited the core values and mission statement of CoxHealth in every action she made. I have never found a person more deserving of this award than Carrie. She is the nurse that everyone dreams of having during their stay in the hospital. She made my first hospital stay the most comfortable that it could have been. My husband and I will always be so thankful for the wonderful memories that we had with Carrie while delivering our son.