Carla Sumulong
May 2020
Intensive Care Unit
Lakewood Regional Medical Center
United States




During this very challenging time for health care workers, it is truly inspiring to see how each one is very committed to their profession despite all adversities. It is even more encouraging to see one particular nurse who has shown exceptional perseverance, compassion, and care way beyond what is expected of her during a difficult situation. This nurse is Carla Sumulong.
Early during the COVID Pandemic, Carla chose to participate during a very vulnerable situation to give a critically ill patient the care and treatment needed, knowing that she was putting her own health at risk. She responded to the coding patient without any hesitation when everybody was so afraid to go into the room with a positive COVID-19 patient and carry out the appropriate protocol during a code blue.
Although the patient did not survive, her commitment to ensuring the body was handled respectfully continued as she followed infection control practices to the extent that she cleaned the morgue gurney down to the wheels. Carla showed not just her commitment as a nurse but kindness, mercy, and empathy. This is but one example of the behavior exhibited by Carla daily as she encourages teamwork and serves as a role model of a professional nurse.