Brynn Sharpshair
April 2021
Obstetrics Acute
OSF Saint Francis Medical Center
United States




I felt so comfortable with Brynn and that relief and time spent with her just being open and honest was so validating and healing for me.
Brynn not only helped me physically but emotionally and I could not have gotten through my stay without her. I met Brynn Saturday night when she graciously came to my room to help me and my nurse with an enema that neither of us had ever seen or had any experience with. During her time in my room, I learned that she also had Crohn's Disease and had had this same procedure. She helped calm my nerves and I was very grateful for her jumping in and helping.

I never expected to see her again after that. To my surprise, and delight, she was my nurse the next day, she had requested my room. We talked throughout the day, sharing our personal stories and journey through this nasty disease that we both have. I felt so comfortable with her and that relief and time spent with her just being open and honest was so validating and healing for me. This is going above and beyond for your patient. She got to know me, my husband, and about our NICU baby/family.

The next day she was off and it went by slow. It was a rough day for me overall. She was back the following day, came right in, and gave me a big hug. She was not my nurse but came back in the evening with a balloon, puzzle book, and quick chat. I mean wow, how loved and cared for did I feel? I firmly believe God put our paths together to help me get through this hurdle. I could not be more grateful.