May 2020
University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
United States




Bryn is a bright, engaged, and caring future nurse. She puts forth great effort in her studies and achieves great scholarly success. But, what sets Bryn apart from her peers is her caring demeanor and engaging personality. She channels this into her patient care and provides thorough and individualized care to all of her patients and their families. Bryn is a natural leader and is able to exude her positivity not only to care for her patients but also to aide her peers in studying and tutoring. Bryn was awarded a competitive nurse externship in the neonatal intensive care unit and obstetrics unit. Bryn has been an exemplary student at the CON, she is an asset to this campus and will be an asset to the profession of nursing. Her caring demeanor and engaging personality will absolutely benefit her future patients, their families, and the care teams she works with.