Brooke Ruoff
November 2020
OB/GYN Physician Practice
Hedrick Medical Center




When I thought everyone else had forgotten about me and our baby girl, I received a personalized wind chime from Brooke. This wind chime had my daughter's name, weight, length, and birthday.
Brooke was a nurse I saw at the OB clinic from time to time, and she was always so kind and helpful. I never knew what this nurse would be to me at those visits, not until the unthinkable happened. One day, I called the office and Brooke answered the phone. I was pregnant and had not felt my baby move in the last day. She helped me over the phone and recommended I go to the labor ward. I made my way there to only find out my daughter's heart was no longer beating. The next week was a blur as we planned a funeral, and just tried to make it the best we could. I had a voicemail from Brooke just to check in with me which made me feel good to know the office cared about our loss. I checked my mailbox one day to find a letter from Brooke and the words she wrote were so uplifting. They made a huge impact on my husband and me. Brooke is not only the nurse you want in your corner during good times but also when things go bad like in my situation. I lost my daughter at 36 weeks, and even as time passed, when I thought everyone else had forgotten about me and our baby girl, I received a personalized wind chime from Brooke. This wind chime had my daughter's name, weight, length, and birthday. I know 6 months is a long time to most but when you lose a child time slows down. To know after 6 months that a nurse still wanted to do something kind and special for a patient, who she knew was more than likely struggling, is amazing. Brooke is a true inspiration and will forever hold a place in my heart.