Brittney Nielsen
March 2020
Labor & Delivery
Cone Health - Alamance Regional Medical Center
United States




I went into labor with my first child at home around 10 PM. I labored there for a few hours. Brittney was not scheduled until 7 AM, so I was in the care of a couple of other nurses prior to her shift. I was in extreme and an unusual amount of pain. She heard me crying and begging for relief and came in the help me. She never left my side. She was there with me through everything. I labored for 14 hours. I didn't want a c-section and she knew that. She knew how important I thought it was to have my child vaginally.
Well at hour 2 of pushing, realizing that my child was stuck and that we may be experiencing an abruption, also having torn muscles in my abdomen I could no longer push which meant I had to have an emergency c-section. I started freaking out, but Brittney never left my side; she went above and beyond to comfort me as I was screaming in complete agony, panic and worry for my child. Knowing that I am a Christian and fully believe in the power of prayer, she prayed over me as I was being put to sleep, it meant the world to me.
When I woke up after the surgery, Brittney was there with me. She showed me photos of my baby that I had asked my husband to take. She took care of my husband and my two best friends that were there helping me through labor. I was later told that she stayed late just to ensure my child and myself were alright. I honestly cannot express how amazing it was to have someone like her by my side. Someone who loves their job and is so full of passion for her patients. It was amazing she promised not to leave me and she didn't; I am forever grateful for her, she was our saving grace.