Brianna Anthony
September 2022
Carroll Hospital
United States




She spends extra time cooling drinks with ice moving the fluids back and forth in two cups, which not only is it cooling the fluid before being thickened, but reduces the carbonation.
Brianna is an amazing, caring nurse, who goes above and beyond every day. One specific event is something so simple, but made a world of difference to her patient. So many times patients are on thickened liquids for a number of swallowing issues. Ice cannot be used when we are thickening drinks we already stock, not to mention carbonated drinks are not always easy to thicken. She spends extra time cooling drinks with ice moving the fluids back and forth in two cups, which not only is it cooling the fluid before being thickened, but reduces the carbonation. She then drains the ice out before thickening. Her patients can then safely enjoy the simple joy of an ice cold Coke. I know how amazing that must taste for her patients when they may have been NPO for days, or only trying to drink pre-thickened tea or water. Brianna took this idea one step further and made a simple video of what she does that she posted online. It has been seen over 4 MILLION times. If only 1% of those viewers utilized just once what she showed, that is 40,000 happy patients who now can again “Taste the Feeling ” of a Coca-Cola. Brianna’s compassion goes beyond the exceptional care she provides every day at Carroll Hospital, she is spreading her joy, care, and respect to a much larger, global community.