Briana Siciliano
October 2022
Ocular Oncology Clinic
Massachusetts Eye and Ear
United States




Having a nurse like Briana “ease” me into the process has been positively invaluable in helping my peace of mind and reinforcing the fact that I’m in the best possible hands to deal with this.
Following a morning of imaging and tests that confirmed my ocular melanoma diagnosis, Briana sat down with my girlfriend and me to walk us through each step of the forthcoming treatment process. Briana was thorough and explained things in a way that made them easy to understand. She paused to give us time to consider and ask questions, effectively addressing everything that we came up with. I can’t overstate how much I appreciated her calm and compassionate demeanor and delivery. She treated the situation seriously but also recognized my need to inject some levity into the conversation (it’s how I often manage stressful situations). Her sense of humor was very much welcomed and appreciated.

Briana and Dr. G appear to share a terrific working dynamic. Seeing how they interacted helped put me further at ease with the knowledge that they seem to complement each other so well. This is brand new territory for me. Having a nurse like Briana “ease” me into the process has been positively invaluable in helping my peace of mind and reinforcing the fact that I’m in the best possible hands to deal with this. It takes a very special combination and balance of knowledge, skills, and personality to be so effective in this type of environment. I consider myself extremely fortunate that Briana is on my side.