Brenda O'Connor
November 2019
Labor and Delivery
Sky Ridge Medical Center
Lone Tree
United States




Brenda touched my life when I ended up in L&D to deliver my stillborn baby. I never thought I would be there on that fateful day but Brenda stayed by my side both nights and held my hand as I delivered when my husband could not be there. She let me cry on her shoulder as I grieved the loss of our sweet boy we would never see grow up. She encouraged me when I didn't think I could go on and never judged or rushed me as I held my sweet baby. Brenda is an incredible nurse with such a kind and compassionate spirit. Her incredible acts of kindness meant so much to me. She even stayed with me as I was wheeled into the OR and was an encouragement with her gentle spirit. She must have worked 15 hours straight to help me through this difficult time but not once did she act as if I was an inconvenience to her. She had other patients to take care of but she was always there when I needed her. Sky Ridge is so lucky to have this incredible nurse working for them and helping patients through the most difficult time in their life. Her kindness will be remembered for a lifetime.