Blair Patton
August 2021
Baystate Medical Center
United States




Blair anticipated my every need and checked on me often. She explained everything well, provided comfort, and sent me off to surgery.
Thirty years ago I started my nursing career at Baystate Medical Center. Then I moved south to Florida. I am still active in the nursing field at a hospital in Naples. While vacationing in Massachusetts, I was attacked by a dog and suffered deep facial injuries, off to the ER I went! Initially, things were not going well, but then came my room assignment to South Wing 6. This is where I first encountered Blair Patton. She greeted me cheerfully and went to work. Now we all know the importance of first impressions and I was not happy, not one bit! But soon I realized that Blair was attentive, compassionate, and competent. This one employee turned things around; great damage control! I never needed to use my call bell, not even once. Blair anticipated my every need and checked on me often. She explained everything well, provided comfort, and sent me off to surgery. I experienced nursing from a very different vantage point, switching from caregiver to patient is not very easy but Blair made it tolerable. Nothing says vacation like a trip to the hospital! Eternally grateful to this nurse on so many levels. I will return to work soon and plan on mirroring care like Blair! Thank you so much!