Betsy Simkovski
November 2021
Emergency Room
Franciscan Health Michigan City
Michigan City
United States




Betsy heard me trying to find a solution and donated her car seat to the man so they could take the cab ride home.
This morning we had a 23-month-old here who came by ambulance with her father, dx with URI. Upon discharge, the father could not find a ride home and I was going to give him a cab voucher. The issue was the patient did not have a car seat. He stated his wife works in Chicago and is unable to come. Betsy, RN our triage nurse, heard me trying to find a solution and donated her car seat to the man so they could take the cab ride home. She stated she has two car seats and she is able to get another easier than he could find a safe ride home. This is why I love my Franciscan Family, Betsy's Franciscan values shined today!! The father was very grateful and said Betsy was so kind and found a solution to make sure his sick daughter was able to get home to rest and get better. Thank you Betsy for being you!!