Bethany Sullivan
February 2024
Ambulatory Float Pool
Upstate University Hospital Health System
United States




Bethany was kind, patient, caring, and impeccably thorough!
Bethany was absolutely amazing in assisting with a patient visit at Connect Care! This visit was a scheduled hospital visit, the patient’s first time at Connect Care. She has a complex medical history and requires an ASL interpreter. Bethany accepted this patient without bias or preconceived perceptions. Bethany was kind, patient, caring, and impeccably thorough! Bethany spent "extra" time in completing an accurate medication reconciliation, provide education throughout the process, ensured this patient had adequate time to process the information being interpreted, and engaged her in return to teach back, making sure this patient understood what medications she was taking and why. Bethany truly provided an exemplary patient interaction and experience that I wanted to ensure was acknowledged!