Beth Salzameda
January 2022
Med Surg D6
Geisinger Community Medical Center
United States




Beth was nominated by a patient’s family who was impressed by her overall kind demeanor, compassionate care, and ability to empathize with her patients and families during difficult times.
Beth Salzameda learned a lot about being kind and compassionate at a very young age, as she witnessed the struggle families endure when a loved one is sick. Ms. Salzameda’s servant leadership has certainly left a lasting effect on all of her patients. Beth was nominated by a patient’s family who was impressed by her overall kind demeanor, compassionate care, and ability to empathize with her patients and families during difficult times.

Ms. Salzameda stated, “I am honored and appreciative to receive this acknowledgment. I love being a nurse and caring for patients. I've always taken pride in including the family in my role as a nurse to a patient with a goal to alleviate their concerns and fears. My first lesson in compassion was shortly before I graduated from nursing school in March of 1995. My father had a massive heart attack. He had never been hospitalized as an adult. Being a farmer with little exposure to the medical world, he was scared and apprehensive. I learned then to be compassionate, and caring and explain everything in a kind gentle manner to help the patient understand. That situation exposed me to a patient and a family member (my father and I) with specific needs."

We are so proud to have Beth on our team! Congratulations!!