Atrium Infusion Center
October 2023
Infusion Center
Atrium Health Cleveland
United States
Danielle Armstrong, RN
Danielle Browning, RN
Paula Harmon, RN
Sherri Lalli, RN
Cindi Nicholson, RN
Regina Pitman, RN
Angela Richardson, RN
Nikki Skibo, CNA
Stachia Stitzel, RN
Megan Turner, RN
Cynthia Yeargin, RN




Having a child with a chronic illness is so hard. It is one of the most stressful and terrifying things a parent has to do, always looking for an answer or relief for their child and worrying about their future. My son started his infusion treatments nine years ago. We started in a pediatric unit an hour away. I called and talked to Angie Richardson and asked if they could accommodate my son, who was only fourteen years old because the trip was so exhausting for him. She said absolutely. He already had a port and she was more than happy for us to join the infusion center for his infusions twice a week.

The ladies have been so patient and kind with him. They have been his family, throwing him yearly birthday parties by decorating his room with streamers and balloons as well as throwing him a graduation party when he finished high school and when he finished college. When Covid started I was really concerned about how it could affect N, but his infusion team took every precaution which reassured me since I was not able to be there with him. I knew he was in good hands as these ladies have become our extended family.

Not one but every single nurse including the scheduler will call and check on him anytime he misses an appointment or is under the weather. They are truly the silver lining to his illness. They don’t just love my N but they love everyone who enters the infusion center. I can go into town and see other patients and we will just brag on our nurse team. I will say that there is not a better, more caring, and loving team of nurses on this planet. It is amazing when a group of women can make a teenage boy happy about going to the hospital to have an infusion because he is excited to see them and hear about their week and tell him about his.