Ashley Sandifer
September 2021
Medical Intensive Care Unit
University Hospital
United States




Ashley is the best supervisor any nurse could ask for.
Ashley is an exemplary leader for the Weekend Medical ICU which makes her an invaluable asset to our team. She is willing to assist other nurses in times of need and follows through with addressing concerns on the unit. I appreciate her manner of remaining visible on the unit and always remaining approachable. If there ever was a need for discussion, it is addressed in private and remains confidential. In times of staff shortage, Ashley voluntarily takes on bedside care of patients in addition to her role as supervisor. Furthermore, she is knowledgeable and competent in her role and informs us of essential information.

I feel so lucky to have Ashley Sandifer as my SLS. This is a hard time to be a nurse in the MICU, but Ashley makes it easier. She is always present and always ready to help. She has had to staff frequently and essentially do two jobs at times, but she is always upbeat and professional. Her clinical competence, work ethic, and meaningful support of others helps foster quality patient care and inspires other nurses to model her behavior. Ashley is the best supervisor any nurse could ask for. I can’t remember how many times when I was drowning with new admissions, Ashley would just show up at my patient’s door and jump in to help without asking. She’s kind, caring, and always listens and supports her peers. I can tell her all my problems knowing that she will be there for me and help me without any judgment.

During this pandemic, things get extremely difficult for our nurses with the rapid change in policies and protocols. To not add an extra layer of burden on our staff, Ashley volunteered to take patient assignments in addition to her SLS responsibilities when we were short-staffed unexpectedly. She had done it so many times, and I believe she’ll continue to do so as long as we need her. She didn’t have to take the extra assignments, but she did it for us with a smile. I definitely couldn’t survive this pandemic without Ashley’s help and emotional support. She’s a true hero during this hectic time and I appreciate her so much. Ashley is the nurse leader I always look up to and want to be in the future. Be like Ashley. Ashley is naturally a servant leader. She is motivated by her desire to aid others whether it be patients or staff members. Ashley is generous with her time and even when she is extremely busy she still makes an effort to reach out to the nurses to see how she can help us on the unit.

I really admire how Ashley naturally seeks out information from all involved to gain a better understanding of the situation at hand. I feel like she truly listens to what I have to say. When we are short nurses she has no problem stepping up to staff the unit. She is empathetic and cares for her patients in such a compassionate way. I always look forward to working with her. Ashley consistently goes above and beyond the expectations of all the staff in the MICU. Although she wasn't assigned, she was one of the initial staff, alongside the bedside nurse, to take care of our first MICU COVID patient. Ashley was very helpful and very involved with not only the patient, but also worked with the husband explaining our expectations and how he should handle the exposure himself. This was a high intensity situation that we all knew would happen sooner or later. This is just one way that Ashley, as and SLS, isn't afraid to jump in and help when she is needed. Awesome nurse.

Ashley is our SLS who never hesitates to help us with questions, conflicts, and patient care. She goes above and beyond each day, even taking on patients on top of her SLS duties if we are shorthanded, which she has been doing frequently with the stresses of the COVID pandemic. I feel a great sense of comfort when Ashley is on shift because I know she has our backs, and that she will provide us with all the resources to provide the best care for our patients. Ashley is one of the most attentive supervisors I have had the pleasure of working with during my 30 years of nursing. She does not pick favorites, never says a bad word about anyone and maintains the best standards for patient care. She has supported me for example this last weekend to advocate for a patient and spoke to our attending and asked him to advocate also. The bottom line is she cares! She advocates for our patients, and the nurses that she supervises. She is an excellent resource and is always willing to go out of her way to encourage critical thinking in our more novice nurses. She is always smiling and is a very positive person that brings out the best in everyone.

More examples are the many times she has worked in our Covid unit as a staff nurse to help provide the best care to this patient population when we have been short. She helps with the special attention and type of care we have to provide for Covid patients from assisting with proning and helping to make sure we all get a lunch break. She is always eager to help and sets an excellent example of the kind of nurse we should all strive to be! She most definitely has all the traits, behaviors, and characteristics of a DAISY Nurse Leader! Ashley is my SLS, and she is the best. She is always positive and always has a smile on her face. All the staff on weekends loves working with her. She is always ready to help in any way she can!