Ashley Richards
April 2023
Northwest Ohio Psychiatric Hospital
State of Ohio, Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services
United States




When she disagreed with the plan, she advocated for what she thought was best for the patient, but she remained professional and constructive, focusing on how we can improve.
Ashley has been a leader in providing care to a challenging patient on her unit. She has been consistent in advocating for the needs of the patient and for the needs of the staff to provide that care. She has repeatedly reminded leadership, the treatment team, and staff on her unit how difficult and traumatic the situation would appear to the patient. And with that in mind, Ashley has encouraged kindness for the patient. Ashley has partnered with the psychiatrist, NP, TPWs, LPNs, Social Worker, and nursing leadership to ensure that this patient receives the best care NOPH is able to provide. Shas has made and shared meaningful observations of the patient’s response to our attempts to provide treatment and has helped the teams to provide optimal care. She has remained calm and collected, even as our plan of care has changed sometimes rapidly. When she disagreed with the plan, she advocated for what she thought was best for the patient, but she remained professional and constructive, focusing on how we can improve. Ashley has demonstrated the ability to calm and soothe the patient, sometimes even getting the patient to cooperate and then avoid coercive hands-on. She has done her best to make this patient feel cared for as though she is at home. She has been exemplary in providing direct care to this patient, ensuring the needs of the patient are met safely, even if the patient is not cooperative. If one of my loved ones needed such care, I would hope someone like her would provide it.