Ashley Ochoa
November 2023
Med Surg
Aspirus Riverview Hospital & Clinics
Wisconsin Rapids
United States




Ashley’s compassion, empathy, and truly genuine, sincere conversation with me lifted me up and out of my worries, tears, and anxiety and made me feel so comfortable.
I would like to thank the entire team from the ER staff to the second floor staff. They all showed the utmost respect and professionalism for my care. However, I would like to pay special recognition to Nurse Ashley Ochoa. Ashley recognized I was struggling with some personal issues and feelings of dismay regarding the potential outcome of my upcoming procedure. She took the time to engage in a meaningful conversation regarding my thoughts and worries about leaving my special needs son behind if the outcome of my procedure so dictated. The thought of that had me in a panic, and I was thinking the worst and felt lost. Ashley’s compassion, empathy, and truly genuine, sincere conversation with me lifted me up and out of my worries, tears, and anxiety and made me feel so comfortable. At the end of our conversation, she had me smiling and laughing a bit and even brought me some snacks.

Also, Ashley is a true ambassador for Aspirus by reassuring me to have trust and confidence in Aspirus and that I was in excellent hands. She is one of a kind and should be recognized for being a great person and employee. Ashley, thank you for turning my pain and fears into smiles and laughter. Thank you, Ashley, and thank you to the entire Aspirus staff. You are all amazing!