Anna Portalatin
October 2023
4 East
Ocean University Medical Center
United States




We all admire her for making this last request for this patient, even though it was probably one of the hardest things she had to do since the passing of her own father.
I was working with Anna one night and there was a patient on the unit that was actively dying. He was not yet on hospice but he was of sound mind and knew that he did not want treatment any longer. His only family member was his daughter, who lived out of state. This elderly patient wanted so badly to speak to his daughter but was unable to dial the phone or hold it for himself. Without hesitation, Anna called his daughter and held the phone to the patient's ear so he could have his last conversation with his daughter. She listened at length to them saying goodbye to each other. A daughter who lost her own father recently, held the phone for this daughter and father so they could have this final conversation. Watching Anna hold back her tears for this patient and his daughter was difficult enough, and she did it so gracefully. We all admire her for making this last request for this patient, even though it was probably one of the hardest things she had to do since the passing of her own father. Anna expects no recognition ever, but she sure does deserve it. There are not many greater acts than literally giving a dying man his last wish. Our patient peacefully passed away a few days later. Luckily, because of Anna, he and his daughter got the closure that they so desperately needed.