Angie Shepard
April 2016
Meadows Regional Medical Center
United States




Angie was the primary nurse for a pediatric patient that was admitted for an abscess that would require surgical treatment. She became the child's friend during the visit. She eased the fear of IV insertion, made jokes and worked to form a bond. On day 2 or 3 of the child's admission Angie was again her primary nurse. The patient had grown increasingly bored and was becoming very tired from sitting in the room. Angie worked quickly to deliver her other patients' medications and care to have additional time for the child. She then allowed the child to put her own clothes back on and carried her down stairs to the auxiliary jewelry sale. Angie did not have to take the time to make the extra effort to make this patient's day a little better but she did. I feel that she went above and beyond in the care of this pediatric patient to increase her comfort during her hospital stay and interact in a positive manner with her.