Angelica Samson Naral
October 2022
Samson Naral
Amana Village Abu Dhabi
United Arab Emirates




Angelica is a role model to all the people around her.
Angelica is a role model to all the people around her. Having the chance to work hand in hand with her is inspiring. She treats everyone with the utmost respect. Clinically, she possesses a strong foundation of both knowledge and skill as evidenced by her performance in bedside care. I would like to emphasize her dedication to giving the best quality care to all patients. I nominate this nurse because of her passion; she is selfless even in times when she did not yet have time for herself like going to the toilet, or not taking her lunch just to ensure her patients are taken care of first. She is also competent and honest with her work, if she is in doubt, she will not hesitate to ask other colleagues or SSN just to make sure what she is doing is correct to always keep the patient safe.