Andrew Shearer
August 2023
Surgical Progressive Care
Banner University Medical Center - Phoenix
United States




Andrew jumped into action and performed chest compressions until the code team arrived.
Andrew is truly amazing. I had just received report on my patient when they went into torsades and coded. Andrew jumped into action and performed chest compressions until the code team arrived. Then, when the code team arrived, I began running for the doctors, surgeons, and code nurses. Andrew saw one of my call lights on and answered it because he knew I was busy. My patient needed to be cleaned up, so Andrew gathered supplies, cleaned up the patient, changed the dressing that was soiled, and called the doctor because he noticed blood coming from her trach. It was the end of his shift, and I am sure he was tired, but he stayed and helped because I was not able to leave my patient at the time. Thank you, Andrew, for all of your help. I couldn’t have done it without your help.

P.S. On top of that, he made sure my vitals were done on my other patients since we didn’t have a PCA.