Andrea Richards
January 2023
Education & Development
Hospital of Central Connecticut
New Britain
United States




She is always professional but she is one of the most humanistic individuals I have ever met. She is someone who truly cares about her staff and is always willing to help.
Andrea Richards came to us two years ago and she has been the most involved educator we have ever had in the Periop setting. She rounds daily and supports staff with questions and educational needs and as well as is a true light to our day. She is one of the most friendly and kind nurses I have ever met. She has created a new Mock Code and Malignant Hyperthermia program as well as brought back the fire drills for our area. She is constantly looking for the most up-to-date practices for our area and works well with our leadership team in helping to achieve those goals. She is well respected by staff in my eyes and I am so thankful for her continued efforts to make sure that our department runs as smoothly as possible.

Along with being an educator, she is someone who really cares about her co-workers and staff. She is someone who really deserves this award because she is a "behind-the-scenes" hero. Andrea always accepts any challenge when it comes to providing our PACU staff orientations because she cares about enhancing our PACU Nurses to be the best that they can be. Lastly, she has been a true help when it has come to rolling out trauma education in our area.


Andrea is the embodiment of a DAISY Nurse Leader. She is a leader who builds the team up around her. She does so with patience support and kindness. She is a resource and what I like to say a bridge. She is the bridge between management and staff. The bridge between MMC Periop and THOCC Periop. She is the bridge between procedural nursing and floor nursing. Lastly, for me personally, she is the bridge between me and the education department. For me being new to education but also not technically part of the education department has been an interesting transition for me. Without Andrea, I would have been completely lost. She has coached me, included me, and helped me become the educator that I am now. Now she has become an awesome collaborator and is always looking for new ways to bring education to the staff. She does this with not just me. She has been someone the whole Periop department can lean on. With new management, new upper management, and all of the existing staff she is been a constant support. I cannot think of a more perfect person to receive this award!


I have known Andrea for almost two years now and from working directly with her in Education to having her cover the Cath Lab unit as my educator she is someone who wears many hats and does her best to support the many units she covers. Andrea was my preceptor in the Education Department and together we were able to standardize everything across the Central Region hospitals when it came to the perioperative area. She is always professional but she is one of the most humanistic individuals I have ever met. She is someone who truly cares about her staff and is always willing to help. She is always listening to our needs and constantly advocates for us. Andrea has helped me grow as a nurse and for that I am thankful. She has been the best educator I have ever encountered and is an asset to The Hospital of Central Connecticut.