Amy Fisher
April 2019
Jupiter Medical Center
United States




I am writing to you today about a nurse my family has had the joy of interacting with twice over our time at the hospital. Our first interaction was almost 3 years ago and what Nurse Amy did for our family in our stay has remained with me. Our oldest son was admitted after 7+ days of fevers over 104. At that time, we were one of the very first patients admitted to their new Pediatric unit.
Amy's patience and love of her job were so bright and her management of not only our son but of us as parents was unbelievable. We had a day of critical doctors' visits coming up and while I slept in my son's hospital bed and my husband slept just feet away on the couch, we awoke to a note left by Amy. It was a simple card by appearance, but now 3 years later I still hold onto this card. Her words were that of kindness and love. She was thanking US for our patience in our stay, letting us know how lucky our son was to have us in his corner and reminding us that no matter what, everything was going to be OK. Thankfully she was right and after 3 days and that unit moving heaven and hell, we uncovered what was going on and we were discharged.
Fast forward 2 years and we walked onto the floor with our youngest son, being admitted for bi-lateral pneumonia post lobectomy due to congenital emphysema. The first face I saw when I walked onto the floor, was Amy's. I turned to my husband and said, "That is our girl." She recognized us immediately. I knew from that moment our little guy was going to be ok.