Amanda Simon
November 2021
Emergency Center
Beaumont Royal Oak
Royal Oak
United States




When I started crying, Amanda came over and gave me a big hug and held on to me for a long time.
Amanda seems amazing today on one of my worst days. Can't stop crying because of pain and stress and everyone thinking I am faking. She saw all of this and instead of being and saying, "I have to take care of you it's my job", that was nowhere near her attitude. She saw how upset I was and she stood there and listened to me and when I said I was worthless and I didn't deserve to live like everyone's telling me. She makes me feel proud of myself and I do matter and to ignore these people and she gave me a great big hug and made me feel positive about myself again. She understood I wasn't saying I was going to hurt myself, just that I was tired of the pain and other stuff. She treated me as if I was family. I was starting to believe I am worthless and just taking up space on earth and I don't deserve life. She told me that's not true and when I started crying she came over and gave me a big hug and held on to me for a long time. I felt like my life still mattered and not to listen to others. I've not seen a nurse like her in such a long time, she is so amazing. And you hear of a lot of nurses and doctors and whoever else says "it's my job", that's true but that is when they stop caring because it is their job and they're just here for a paycheck and that's it. But not Amanda, not once did she say it's her job or act fake. Her feelings for me as a patient were real, she treated me as if I was a family member and has taken very good care of me. Not once did she treat me as if I was a drug addict but a person. She is an amazing nurse. Amanda, thanks for everything.