Amanda Shafton
December 2019
Women and Infant Center
Jefferson Hospital
Jefferson Hills
United States




I walked into Amanda's office shaken, scared not knowing how I was going to do this- have a child at 40. Little did I know then that Amanda would be my definite saving grace. I believe 100% that every person you meet is for a reason. God brought Amanda to me. I was 40, pregnant with three other children and the youngest was 14. My husband was the comfort I had. With Amanda, I wasn't just a number. Her immediate care and concern for me and my baby was heartwarming and reassuring. I felt as if I had known her for years. With each visit, my anxiety began to drift away. I began to get excited for my appointments with Amanda. I knew no matter how crazy or illogical my questions were this week, Amanda was going to be my reassurance.
I was due to be induced on a Sunday. My 38-week checkup was the Monday prior. I asked if she would be there for my inductions. I was informed that she was not on call that day but jokingly said that she could be there on Tuesday. Sure enough, I went into labor on Tuesday morning. She was the support I needed for the birth of this child. She stayed with me the entire time coaching me through her birth. She knew exactly what to say and when to say it to ease and comfort me. The love that was shown to us by strangers was overwhelmingly heartwarming and we will forever be grateful. Amanda will always have a beautiful spot in our hearts. I now have a beautiful story to tell my daughter. Thank you for your time, love and support.