Amanda Sawicki
June 2019
Emergency Department
Mercy Hospital of Buffalo
United States




I want to start off by saying this amount of space is not enough to explain how amazing Amanda is and the magnitude of support and positivity she brings. I have a rare blood disorder. When I was taken back to a bed I soon had a smiling and chipper nurse by my side. She remembered me from previous visits and was happy I was assigned to her. Every time I've had Amanda she wants to learn more about the disease. The disease is often never diagnosed so her wanting to learn is so important in detecting it in new patients. The emergency department was slammed and she still was so quick getting the medication to give more of the treatment. Amanda herself is humble and kind. She is a big reason why I choose to come her to Mercy emergency department rather than the emergency department which is closer for me. She is worth the extra travel. She is the model in which ALL nurses should base how they practice medicine.