Mandy Salzedo
January 2019
MemorialCare Saddleback Medical Center
Laguna Hills
United States




A few days ago, I took care of a patient that had Mandy as her nurse earlier that day. This patient had been through several hospitalizations over the last few months dealing with several health issues. With each stay she has become more concerned and somewhat depressed due to her situation. With this hospitalization she became very irritable, depressed and unpleasant. I took care of her the previous night as well and noticed the progressive change.
When I came back the next day, I heard that Mandy, seeing the situation, had taken initiative and looked for some jokes for this patient to help her mood. She then took the time to spend with this patient and read her some jokes which also benefited the roommate. Mandy also arranged for a visit from a compassionate listener later that day.
Mandy's attentiveness and compassion for this lady and her situation touched my heart. I immediately wanted to submit a DAISY Nomination for her. Mandy takes the extra measure of caring often, but this situation really touched me. Thank you, Mandy, for being such a great example and inspiration!