Alex Sandoval
July 2023
Sunrise Hospital & Medical Center
Las Vegas
United States




Alex takes my stress level to a level of trust and confidence.
I would like to nominate Alex from Peds floor. When Alex started, my daughter S was his very first complex medical patient. Years later, he lovingly takes care of her every year when we are there. Including through COVID. When he comes in her room, she immediately recognizes his voice, him and his smiles. She doesn't do that for anyone. His voice keeps her calm. He takes the best care of her and me. He truly is the best nurse on staff. We stay a couple weeks at a time. It's so important on my mental health to have some one to bring light and laughter to her room, when I'm so worried for days on end. The support he shows me during my time there is on mooched. Trust is very hard when you have to hand over the health of your child to get better to someone outside yourself. Alex I know will do everything he can to make sure getting her back to health is his priority developing that trust is so important for a mom. Alex takes my stress level to a level of trust and confidence. Recently in an emergency situation that came unexpectedly with S, Alex took charge and was able to work with team to get her stable. She was very anxious after hearing his voice, then calmed her down. It takes a very bright special soul to be able to care for a child like S and Alex is that.