Alex Rolph
January 2024
Adult Inpatient
Rogers Behavioral Health
West Allis
United States




​​​​​​​I believe that had he not given me the personal and acute attention I needed, I would have had a potential life‐threatening event or even death.
I arrived mid‐June and needed alcohol withdrawal detox. I believe it was my 3rd day. I began to experience what I consider extreme withdrawal symptoms: shaking violently and uncontrollably, sweating but frozen, and not thinking clearly or walking. I was dizzy and felt like my legs were paralyzed, and I was nauseated. Alex gave me prompt assistance and started giving a medication (I cannot remember the name), but he said he would work to get me the correct dosage, but not too much. After 75 mg, he contacted the doctor for advice. The doctor said to increase the dose, which was done, but still no relief. Alex reached out again to the doctor and was told to up the dose again, which he did. Finally, I began to come down. Alex referred to it as a recipe and adding spice. Too much spice, the food was ruined, so he added a little at the time.

I believe that had he not given me the personal and acute attention I needed, I would have had a potential life‐threatening event or even death. I would appreciate you acknowledging him and his efforts to save me. I feel I owe him my life.