Susan Linder
October 2013
400 East
Memorial Health Care System: Memorial Hospital
United States




I have been a patient numerous times on 4 East. Susan has given me a card of encouragement during one stay and she always smiles, is so compassionate and has a positive attitude. She gives praise when I walk in the hallway. She gave me a prayer shawl someone at her church had made with a scripture card attached. She has held my hand and allowed me to cry on her shoulder. I have also made her laugh!

Susan was the nurse for a patient that stayed with us over 2 months. Her cancer that began as a small bump on her chest had metastasized quickly to her entire chest wall and bones. The deep and severe wounds on her chest and now sides and back required dressing changes daily that took over an hour. I assisted Susan one day. Susan meticulously irrigated each dressing so that it would not stick or pull at our patient's tender skin. She spoke in a calm and reassuring voice to let her know each step of what she was doing. I could sense our patient relax with Susan's tender words. I began to see the depth of Susan's caring spirit, and she displays it daily with everyone she encounters, not just in her actions, but in her calm mannerisms and respectful words of encouragement. She is the complete package, and always exemplifies our mission!

Susan is always helpful, caring to patients, always exhibits professionalism while on duty, and other times too. She is a friendly coworker, and always pleasant to be around.