Patricia Kergo
October 2013
Rapid Response Nurses
Lahey Hosptial & Medical Center
United States




Patty now works as one of our Rapid Response Nurses. I have had the pleasure of working with Patty in this role. As a critical care nurse, we are called on to float as a rapid response nurse at times. I personally feel nervous with this role not knowing what emergency you will be called to next. During my float as a rapid response nurse with Patty, she made me feel comfortable and appreciated any help I could provide. She always assured me that she was a phone call away if I was called to a situation that I was not comfortable with. Patty and I both responded to a call from a nurse taking care of an elderly patient who was having respiratory and heart rate issues. The nurse was fairly new graduate and very nervous when we arrived. The patient was assessed and information was exchanged with Patty and the nurse caring for the patient. Patty very calmly explained to the nurse what could be going on with the patient and what they could do to help. She involved the new nurse in the plan and explained the rationale for what they needed to do. Patty stated at this time to me "I like to teach the nurses and involve them in coming up with a plan." She felt it would help the nurse in the future with assessing and knowing what to do. Patty exemplified a true team approach to nursing. Patty was there to help and not make the nurse feel incompetent. I was impressed at the calming effect that she had on the nurse and took the time to teach and mentor the nurse.

Patty truly cares about the patients and frequently will check on patients that she saw on previous calls. Patty continues to offer her assistance with a smile. She is professional, caring and respected by so many nurses, MDs, PAs, and staff throughout the institution.

Patty is an excellent nurse, resource, mentor and asset to Lahey Health System.