August 2013
1N/RDTU (Rapid Diagnostic Treatment Unit)
OhioHealth, Marion General Hospital
United States




Mary, a 35 year associate, exemplifies the Patient Experience. It's not uncommon to see Mary sitting at the patient's bedside listening to concerns and being 100% emotionally present.

Recently, a patient was told she needed to go to RMH for studies. She was a young mother with small children and had passed out several times at home. Her husband was very upset that she could not have the procedure done at MGH. He became angry and took his frustrations out on anyone that entered his wife's room.

Mary went into the patient's room, sat down in a chair listened to his story, and found out he was not angry, but afraid. They had three small children, a farm with animals and he did not have transportation to and from Columbus. It was amazing to watch the transformation of this gentleman. After he shared his concerns Mary was able to find the resources he and his wife needed.

Mary's co-workers frequently seek her assistance when they are dealing with difficult situations. They know that she has a special gift of calming an anxious patient or family member. The relationships that she develops by sitting at the patient's bedside, actively listening and being emotionally present make our patients feel that they are very special.

Mary, thank you for sharing your gifts.