October 2013
Medical Step Down/Medical Telemetry
Morristown Medical Center
United States




...A patient on our unit was admitted with a diagnosis of acute mental status changes, and sepsis. His past medical history was quite complex including recent hemorrhagic stroke with significant neurologic deficits (expressive aphasia, right sided hemiplegia), CMV meningitis, prior narcotic pain med addiction and s/p craniotomy. He had a supportive wife and sister who visited regularly.

The first few days of his admission, he was having moderate to severe levels of pain. The nurses on the unit were proactive in treating his pain; however, this was in direct conflict with the patient's sister and wife's wishes. In addition, the patient's wife expressed her concern about his goals of care as well as plans for discharge, specifically insertion of a PICC line. They were worried about potential narcotic dependence given the patient's past history. These issues were brought up at daily morning rounds. Lauren was instrumental in coordinating a family meeting with the admitting physician, patient's wife and the psychiatrist. She provided a supportive forum for the patient's wife to express her concerns and goals of care. Lauren Screnci actively listened to the wife, provided empathy and validated her feelings. Lauren facilitated a multidisciplinary team approach by enlisting the assistance of the social worker and care manager. Each morning, Lauren followed up with patient and family in providing ongoing emotional support and clinical updates. Because of her ability to bring together the family and the health care team, the result was a positive outcome for the patient and his wife along with a smooth transition of care to a sub-acute facility.

Lauren truly is committed to patient/family centered care. She willingly takes on the challenge of dealing with stressful and complicated care issues. Her dedication to fostering mutual trust and respect for patients and their families is apparent in this situation as well as many others that I have personally witnessed. Lauren's ability to communicate effectively helps alleviate patient and family distress and anxiety. She is an outstanding patient advocate and a wonderful role model for her colleagues. I am extremely proud to work with her as she is an inspiration for nurses.