Cynthia Richards
November 2016
Night Medical/Surgical float
Overlook Medical Center
United States




My mother and I would like to nominate Cynthia for The DAISY award. We are "frequent fliers" to this hospital. My mom gets sick often. She gets frequent UTIs and it throws her entire system out of whack for a few days. We get placed all around the hospital because there isn't a UTI floor. Cynthia has been our nurse at least one day every visit for the past six stays. Once, even though Cynthia was not my mom's nurse, she came in to say hello. She said she was on her way to have lunch when she saw my mom so she came in to say hi and ended up eating lunch with my mom! It was the nicest thing ever.
Being in the hospital is scary. I always know mom is being taken care of when Cynthia is her nurse. Our first day, she helped us understand how a UTI can make my mom anxious and frustrated. She taught us both the importance of a good diet and the need to stay hydrated. Cynthia is always willing to lend a hand. Cynthia explains everything in detail and encourages questions. Because Cynthia has educated my mom on her condition, my mom takes an active part in her own care. Cynthia always cheers my mom on which boosts her confidence. Cynthia has a wonderful bedside manner. She treats my mom like she has known her for a lifetime. She is smart and kind and one of the best people I have ever met. She treats my mom like a queen. It is so nice to meet someone who genuinely cares.