October 2014
Ortho Spine
St. John Hospital and Medical Center
United States




This day is fresh in my reflection on leadership qualities. There was, of course, an over-abundance of stress on the unit, which fostered frustration, quick tempers, hurt feelings and probably some tears at times. The entire staff was overwhelmed with what can only be described as "CHAOS".
I feel compelled to recognize Alex Nacelewicz and her ability to find the inherent order within that chaos. Alex took on the HUC duties, helped the rest of the staff with their duties, and cared for her own team. Additionally, she tempered hot tempers with humor, eased hurt feelings with active listening, and dissolved potential blow-ups between staff with sound advice.
Alex didn't act with mechanical nature, but with grace and poise. She acted with a deft inclination toward order as though she could predict the future. She acted with consideration and caring for everyone around her. Alex brought a calmness and confidence to the energy on the floor. She was by every definition of the word, a Leader.
This behavior is nothing new for Alex. These qualities are just in her nature. I just wanted to point out that we, as Alex's co-workers, are grateful for the attributes she brings to the floor, and for the excellence and dedication she brings to the practice of nursing.