WAX Custom Communications

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Wax (a/k/a “the monsters in healthcare marketing”) became DAISY’s unofficial advertising agency in late 2020 when we decided to ask the public directly to join us in our gratitude and recognition of nurses. The agency created a multi-channel campaign to encourage the public to nominate nurses for the DAISY Award® for Extraordinary Nurses. The relationship we forged then has grown into a strong friendship for which we are deeply grateful.  Founded as a content marketer more than 30 years ago, Wax Communications has grown into a full-service healthcare marketing agency. Their capabilities include research, strategic planning, traditional and digital advertising, social media, influencer marketing, geotargeting, mobile marketing, and more. Since then, Wax has worked on various projects for us, including search engine optimization and a new website design that is in the works.  These projects are done at a greatly reduced cost or sometimes at no cost at all. We are grateful for their partnership, flexibility, and understanding of the work we do. They truly “speak DAISY.”
