Using Multi-Nominee Pins


We think it's important when someone takes the time to thank a nurse and tell their story with a DAISY

nomination, that nurse gets recognized. That's why we have the DAISY nominee pin.




Inevitably, you will have nurses that are nominated many, many times and that is worth celebrating as well!


For that recognition, we created a multi-nominee pin. There are 2 different types. The first pin created in green with multiple daises was for nurses who had been nominated five or more times


We then created a platinum version for nurses nominated 10 or more times.



You can decide on the nomination level for your multi-nomination pins (for example you might want the green to be for 10+ and the platinum for 20+ depending on
the amount of nominations you get on a quarterly or monthly basis).You can also decide if this recognition will be based on the number of nominations annually or will be cumulative.

Some hospitals have a “pin party” where multi-nominees turn in their individual pins and replace with a multi-pin. Others want to keep their individual pins and add the multi-pin to their badge as well.

Celebrate your nurses who consistently go above and beyond for patients, families and co-workers and receive multiple nominations! Multi-Nominee pins are available in bags of 10 for $30 and can be
special ordered in the Resource Center or by clicking here