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All application materials will be submitted on-line through this website. Should you have any questions or problems completing the forms, please email ErinAscher@DAISYFoundation.org.
You will upload supporting documents such as timeline, budget, tools, consent form, IRB application (if submitted), applicants' CV or resume, etc.
A signed Letter of Agreement is required for your grant application to be considered. A copy of this Letter of Agreement is included within the application forms on this site. Please copy and paste it onto your institution's letterhead, complete and sign it. Then, scan it into your computer, and upload it with your application materials. Only applications with this signed Letter of Agreement will be considered complete and ready for consideration by the Grant Panel. Please note that your Chief Nursing Officer's or other organizational executive's signature is also required on this agreement, indicating her/his support for your work, and attesting to the fact that clinical nurses will participate in the study.
You do not need to have approval of your Institutional Review Board (IRB) prior to applying for a grant. However, proof of your IRB's approval is needed prior to The DAISY Foundation's funding your project. If a project is exempt from IRB approval, proof of that exemption is required. Please provide your IRB's approval on its letterhead with an appropriate signature.
2021 Research/EBP Grant Funding
Due Date | Spring Cycle |
January 25, 2021 by 5:00pm PST | Complete grant applications to be submitted on-line. |
March 8, 2021 | Applicants to be informed whether or not their proposal will be funded. |
Final notifications dates may change by necessity, but applicants will be notified if they do.