William Algood
January 2017
UT Southwestern University Hospitals
United States




William Algood is 70 years old, he has been a nurse for 20 years. Nursing was his second career after being a police officer for 23 years. He has been here at UTSW for 6 years after 14 at Parkland. He became a nurse after a nurse saved his life during her assessment that was overlooked by his physician. He was so touched by her critical thinking and care that he went back to school to become an RN. He loves his work and taking care of the patients on his unit, he understands the nursing process and cares for his patients with the vow that "there will be no man or woman down on my shift".
As he talked to the wife of a patient he was caring for, his compassionate caring manner with her, you could see the comfort in her eyes. He did not stop there he repositioned the patient using all the right equipment, answered all the patient's questions (throwing in a little humor when needed) and even fluffed his pillow for him. What a nurse! I am proud to work and serve with this amazing nurse and so proud that he chose UTSW to continue his nursing career.