Valarie Kembel
September 2018
Lutheran Medical Center
Wheat Ridge
United States




Val is always a team player. She is always willing to help and share her expertise. Recently I was taking care of a patient who had a routine chest x-ray which showed her PICC in the wrong place. The PICC had previously been in the correct place and this second chest x-ray was completed after the PICC team had already left. I asked Val about the PICC placement because I didn't fully understand it and she said that yes it was misplaced but she would fix it. Val was not workingon the IV team that day and had her own patients, but she said, "Well, who else is going to do it!" So Val stayed after her shift after she had already had to stay late to chart on her own patients, to fix the PICC so that the night team would have proper IV access. Thank God for Val.
Note: This is Val's 2nd DAISY Award!