Tonya Stoltz
October 2017
Emergency Services
Good Samaritan Hospital - Vincennes
United States




A few days ago we had a code blue come into the department that was assigned to Tonya. The patient was a young man with young children and it was a difficult code for all involved. After the code was called there were several staffmembers impacted by the code. When I saw Tonya, she was coming out of the room and had tears streaming down her face. I want to make it known what Tonya did for this family and their three children. She learned during the code that this patient had an 11-year-old, 10-year-old, and 8-week old infant. After the code, Tonya made imprints of the patient's hands using molding that we usually use for pediatric patients. After work, she went out and bought frames and assorted decorations for the frames. She wanted to do this for the family, so they would have this part of their father to hold on to. Now the family has this part of their husband and father that they can treasure and help get them through the difficult days ahead.
Good Samaritan's Mission is to provide excellent healthcare by promoting wellness and healing through trusting relationships. Tonya achieved this mission by promoting healing for the family for the family of this patient. She knew that this was something that they could hold on to in the future and rough days this family faces ahead.
Thank you, Tonya, for giving this family a piece of their husband and father that they can hold on to for years to come.