Tom Fedora
May 2016
Bridgeport Hospital at Yale New Haven Health
United States




Tragedy often brings our patients to the Medical Intensive Care Unit and Tom's and my patient, certainly fits this criteria. Over the previous week our patient and her family had been dealing with an admission to the MICU, and trying to wrap their heads around the seriousness of her new diagnosis. Everyone was encouraged that she had transferred out of our MICU to the ICA, but after a significant setback overnight, she was transferred back to MICU. What makes this situation more challenging is that the patient and her boyfriend are both deaf.
We often say that our routine is the patient's serious event. Certainly communication challenges only add to this unintentional disconnect, and to the patient's anxiety and stress. Tom not only recognized this and made every attempt to close the communication gap, but over the previous week Tom had developed a relationship, and centered his care around the needs of this patient and family.
When I received the patient from Tom, he provided me with a full report, including many patient and family specific nuances. He told me how he had worked with patient relations to ensure that a sign language interpreter would be available between 8am and 10am for patient rounds. As I greeted family members, each asked for Tom by name. Every single one - independently - raved about the care Tom provided and the personal connection he had made!
At 8am sharp, an exceptionally talented interpreter arrived and provided culturally competent care to the entire family. I can't help but feel that Tom's influence somehow impacted even the decision of which interpreter was sent. It is just how Tom does things! Again, the family raved about the care Tom had provided and asked me to let Tom know just how much his personal touch had meant to them!
I can think of no better way than a DAISY Award to recognize Tom's integrity, accountability and respect in the work place, not only for patients during his shift, but for thinking ahead to the needs of the patient and family at rounds. This demonstration of exceptional compassion and caring is why Tom is such an inspiration to me. His very presence on the unit encourages me to be the best nurse I can be and then some. Tom is a competent and constant patient advocate and deserves to be recognized for the relationships he creates with all his patients, for the way he decreases their anxiety and stress and for his example, which truly sets the bar for excellence in nursing!